From robroy Mon Aug 1 12:54:22 2016 Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 12:54:22 -0700 (PDT) From: Robroy Gregg To: BSDNow Subject: H/W RAID [LSI 9268-8i]: UFS or ZFS? Good day Kris and Allan! I've split my question in to a quick edition and a detailed edition, in case the details are too long to read during your show. Quick Edition ========================================================================== If stuck with eight disks on an LSI 9268-8i (hardware RAID), which option is more likely to keep data safe and available: A: ZFS RAIDz2 on eight LSI RAID 0 virtual disks, or B: UFS on one LSI RAID 6 virtual disk? Detailed Edition ========================================================================== A comrade and I would like to use ZFS on disks attached to an LSI 9268-8i, which has no IT mode firmware, and no JBOD mode. 'seems that a single RAID 0 virtual disk for each physical disk's as close as it gets. This card's cache is set to write-through mode, and its patrol scrub is disabled. The card has no BBU. On page six of FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS, I read, "Do not use a hardware RAID controller. Ever." Two pages later, I read, "If you're condemned to use hardware RAID, probably because you were a very bad person in a previous life, present the operating system with single disks. If the RAID controller insists on formatting each drive as RAID-0, you're stuck." Having read this--especially the first part--we spent several days trying hard to replace the 9268-8i with a 9211-8i. Yet our computer refuses to recognize the new card; it only accepts the 9268-8i. This is a Hitachi CR220H; the same 9211-8i worked fine in a Supermicro, but we have to use the Hitachi. Given that we're stuck with the 9268-8i, which of these two options is most likely to keep our data safe and available long-term? A] ZFS: make an LSI RAID 0 virtual disk for each physical disk, then use the virtual disks for a RAIDz2 vdev. B] UFS: make a single LSI RAID 6 virtual disk, then use UFS on top. I opened this FreeBSD Forums thread. So far, all respondents who chose between these options, chose UFS (B) over ZFS (A). I'd love to know your opinion. Thanks so much! Robroy Robroy Gregg Salinas, California